Improv Tabletop—Fate Accelerated, Avatar Legends, Blades in the Dark
Thanks to the following folks for supporting us on our Patreon! They are beautiful, intelligent people, and we love them very much.
- Michael Seare: The Founding Patron®
- Ellina Georgieva: Original creator of Keumi!
- Thomas Ryan: [Insert scathing insult here].
- Stuttering GM: World's most eloquent GM.
- Christen Valentine: Emberglow herself!
- Adrian Garneau: Truly a five-star doggo.
- Aaron Perrett: Je-Tsun’s most promising pupil.
- James Walker: Healer of minds, healer of souls.
- Paul Cosgrove: Man of few words, unless they’re about Godzilla.
- McKenzie Peterson: Literally Evan’s wife.
- Sebastian H: Patron saint of good dice rolls.
- McKenna Randell: Totally not McKenna Steel haha. Lol what?
- Daniel Wolfe: Lord of the lupine.
- Curtis Evans: Inventor of Curtie Bott's Every Flavour Dice®
- Katrina Mcgrouther: Only rolls full successes.
- William Robertson: Most honorable of the daofei.
- Christine Lines: Best grandmother in the land.
- Daren Falter: Helping keep the grandkids fed.
- Dava Tuttle: With us since the very beginning.
- samiryanart: Drew that awesome picture of Amar riding Fifi!
- Tyson Lanzon: Also Je-Tsun’s most promising pupil, just in different ways.
- Sarah Martin: Connor's GF, sweeter than pie!
- Kristen LaBarbera: Gets a free reroll once per session.
- Mason Badman: Bane of dragon priests across Tamriel.
- Connor Wood: Here by order of Mayor Brimpus.
- Tim Rust: Head of the White Hamster Preservation Society.
- Eli Mcgrouther: Starts with 4 Fate points instead of 3.
- Jordi Elliot Turner: Always gets +1d for teamwork.
- Tetraslash: Has unlimited rewards points at Lang's Discount Pets.
- Mitch David: Foolishly optimistic, but is that really so bad?
- Vi: So potent, their whole identity only needs two letters!
- rxsthxrn: Now part of the collective that is FREESPIN 🤖
- KelPetrichor: The best-smelling ImpTab patron.
- Matthew Girdlestone: I Cast Fireball fan ambassador.
- HN2DM: Check out Derrick's Podcast, How Not to Dungeon Master!
- Hartley Llosa: Explorer of 🎵SECRET TUNNELS🎵
- JeSuisSavinien: If you nose, you knows.
- Dylan Mourik: Has +3 status with every faction in Ba Sing Se.
- Bloke Person: Alter ego of Dude Human.
- Julianna Howell: The sparkliest of nerds.
- Elizabeth McDowell: AKA Verna Goodbarrell, Lightfoot Halfling Rogue Pirate.
- Adrienne: Always on the lookout for Knowledge Seekers.
- Paul Busch: Genuinely just one of Ned's best friends. ✌️ Much love, brother!
- Sarah Tatom: Christian and McKenna wanted me to say hi, so hi!
- David Zinnemann: A twist of cinnamon to brighten your day.
- Cordon Davies: First-chair trumpet in The Brotherhood of Brass.
- Jim Packard: Rolled +4 on being a great fan.
- Elie the DM: The world needs more DMs, thanks for your service.
- Andrew Tull: Gets an eternal Fate Point for accepting the compel to become a patron.
- jupiterskunk: In space, nobody can smell you.
- Collin Greenwood: Leon Kennedy's #1 backup in Raccoon City.
- Jeff Kelley: Good patron? Affirmative!
- Erin Talvitie: Only has pluses on their Fate dice.
- Nathaniel Taylor: Still just a beginner, but the future is bright!
- Logan Brown: Doesn't have to put a Trouble on their character sheet.
- John Michael Carter Luckett: Actually joined because of ReToon of the King. 🙃
- Nicholas Skartvedt: Guiding and comforting us with their support.
- Erik Jordan Phillips: Chief Navigator of Dessert Island.
- Pieter Ooms: Emissary of the Malkavian Clan.
- bob dagreat: He's Da Great. Need I say more?
- Robert Kerr: A giant among Scotts.
- Vale Prosper: Ned's Personal Nemesis.
- medicineofgods: The Bulbasaur Whisperer.
- Brett Griffith: Don't fret, it's Brett!™
- KatMarie9: Winner of a Varrick World season pass.
- Walter Cassel: Varrick World Head Architect.
- Avani Gupta: Relying on their Skills & Training to be a wonderful GM.
- Morgan: V.P. of the I Joined Because of ReToon of the King Club.
- Zach Perkins: Head chef at the gimbap stand outside the Air Nomad section.
- dhdsvhgd: “My first name is a random set of numbers and letters and other alphanumerics that changes hourly forever.” -Aesop Rock
- Hayden Beall: Doing his part to help Mikey get that tattoo.
- Ezra: Wishes more abominations were like ReToon of the King.
- Anna Kahn Hunter: A real Marvel of a patron.
- Jay Forsman: Ask about his cheeseburger soup recipe. 🤌
- Josh Goates: Satyr horns for respect. 🤘
- Mr.Porcupine: Myles Turkic wishes his quills were as sharp as Mr.Porcupine's.
- Drew: A messenger from the elves of Lothlórien.
- TAL: Totally Awesome Listener.
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